
The beginning isn't near as fun as the middle....

  Ever tried to do this >??>Damn  near impossible I have tried on multiple occasions to get away from myself and it just never ends well...  I am my worst critic, my worst friend, my worst ally, i am, the worst.... to myself..  I can find the good in almost anyone or anything accept me...  I think i am too extra or too noisy, or too everything to anyone else accept good.. These are internal struggles that I will always deal with and one day I will conquer them..Today, they are steadfast and thriving in my head...  I used to blog a lot.  It helped me organzie thoughts and have a timeline to see progress..  At the advise of those who help me manage my head thoughts,  It was suggested that I begin again...   So, Here i am with my thoughts and the computer.... Once again....  I want to go ahead and give a glimpse of what some of my randomness will look like to most of you all reading this.. I have no filter.  I will not apologize for offending you... I will preface bliogs before publ